Like “Salyut”, “Almaz” and “Mir”: The Russian orbital station ROS can get its own name, which will be chosen by the Russians

by alex

“Whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail”

The Russian orbital station (ROS) is currently under development. As Roscosmos General Director Yuri Borisov said in an interview with the TASS news agency, the promising station may get its own name, but the head of the state corporation has not yet thought about a possible name, since he is more concerned about how to “make the industry profitable and high-tech.”

A proper name can be given to ROS, as in its time to the domestic stations “Salyut”, “Almaz” and “Mir”. Borisov said:

This is a very good start. As they say in some children's story, whatever you name the ship is how it will sail, right? So it is here. It’s a good idea, I think it’s even possible to organize a public discussion on the choice of such an acceptable name. I don't mind.

However, the name will still be worked on at the Energia Rocket and Space Corporation, which is part of Roscosmos.

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