Last year, Rakuten Viber blocked almost 40 thousand scammers and spammers in Ukraine – against 130 thousand in 2022

by alex

The Technology section is published with the support of Favbet Tech

В прошлом году Rakuten Viber заблокировал в Украине почти 40 тыс. мошенников и спамеров — против 130 тыс. за 2022-й

The Japanese company Rakuten (owner of Viber) reported on countering telephone scammers and spammers in Ukraine for 2022-2023.

There are fewer scammers on Viber. At least that's what they say in Rakuten

Last year, Rakuten Viber blocked 37 thousand accounts of telephone scammers and spammers in Ukraine – three times less than in 2022, when 130 thousand accounts were blocked. For all of 2023, about 60 thousand users reported phone spam or scams – almost five times less than in 2022. At the same time, about 450,000 Ukrainians received calls from spammers or scammers during 2023 – 3.6 times more such calls were recorded in 2022.

Rakuten Viber directly attributes the reduction in fraud activity on the platform to the continued improvement of internal behavioral assessment and AI tools. In particular, Rakuten specifically mentions the Viber antispam system – the mechanism recognizes (based on various factors, in particular behavioral) and blocks fraudulent accounts. Last fall, “Subscriber Identification” appeared on Android, a kind of spam indicator. The security feature relies on the same behavioral analysis and alerts you when a potential spammer/scammer calls from an unknown number.

Pixel smartphones received a new generation call screen with artificial intelligence Google Assistant

At the same time, Rakuten Viber reminds that all chats and personal calls of users of the company's messenger are encrypted with end-to-end encryption (hello Telegram) All available privacy and security functions in Rakuten Viber are collected in the Settings menu – > Confidentiality.

In a recent survey, Rakuten Viber reported that now 56% of Ukrainians do not pick up the phone when unknown numbers call.

How effective is Rakuten Viber in blocking scammers/spammers ( survey)

Let's do a quick poll to see if Rakuten Viber is really that effective at countering scammers and spammers?

The situation with scammers/spammers in Rakuten Viber

  • Became more beautiful
  • It became hotter
  • I'm cringing Telegram
  • Another messenger (video in comments)

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В прошлом году Rakuten Viber заблокировал в Украине почти 40 тыс. мошенников и спамеров — против 130 тыс. за 2022-й

 Loading… The Technology section is published with the support of Favbet Tech

В прошлом году Rakuten Viber заблокировал в Украине почти 40 тыс. мошенников и спамеров — против 130 тыс. за 2022-й

В прошлом году Rakuten Viber заблокировал в Украине почти 40 тыс. мошенников и спамеров — против 130 тыс. за 2022-й

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