Japan and US strengthen cooperation in semiconductors and artificial intelligence

by alex

The agreement will be signed on April 10

The US and Japan are expected to strengthen cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence and semiconductors, as reported by TASS with reference to the Asahi newspaper.

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and US President Joe Biden will sign an agreement to strengthen bilateral cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence and semiconductor technologies at the upcoming summit in Washington in April.

After the signing of the agreement, a new structure for research and development is expected to be created, which will involve the American technology giant Nvidia, the British company ARM, part of the SoftBank Group, Amazon, the University of Washington and the University of Tsukuba. About $100 million will be allocated for the project at the first stage.

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In addition, Japan and the United States will sign an agreement that will be aimed at strengthening cooperation in the field of economics, combating climate change and energy, including wind power.

The meeting of the leaders of the countries is expected on April 10.

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