In The Day Before, giant men appeared, cars danced, and players fell into the ground. Amazing bugs in the game Fntastic

by alex

The Day Before has been completed for release, but the technical condition is not very good yet. Players get an interesting experience and watch something similar to the attack of the titans

The Day Before was indeed a big release, but not in a good way. The game is striking in its low technical quality.

As expected, The Day Before received a lot of negative reviews, which sent the Yakut novelty into the top 3 worst games in Steam history. Meanwhile, the Internet is posting recordings of various bugs that you might come across.

Character models in The Day Before may become glitchy, resulting in the appearance of giant men (or “titans” “). A live streamer ran into one of these: he flew down the street for a bit, and then literally blew away and continued moving somewhere further.

The co-author of Stardew Valley showed a simulator of city life, Sunkissed City now has a page on Steam

You can also find titans indoors:

In The Day Before, giant men appeared, cars danced, and players fell into the ground. Amazing bugs in the game Fntastic

You must move with caution, you can fall underground and fly over textures:

The cars behave strangely and start dancing:

In The Day Before, giant men appeared, cars danced, and players fell into the ground. Amazing bugs in the game Fntastic

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