“Huawei Mate 60 is truly bulletproof and shockproof.” The blogger told how Huawei Mate 60 stopped a bullet and saved his life

by alex

The smartphone itself will never work again

One of the users of the social network Weibo published on his page a photo of the Huawei Mate 60 smartphone, which, according to the owner, caught a bullet instead of him.

Accident. Without this obstacle of a cell phone, I could have spent the rest of my life in a wheelchair! “- wrote the owner of the smartphone.

«Huawei Mate 60 действительно пуленепробиваемый и устойчивый к ударам». Блогер рассказал, как Huawei Mate 60 остановил пулю и спас ему жизнь

«Huawei Mate 60 действительно пуленепробиваемый и устойчивый к ударам». Блогер рассказал, как Huawei Mate 60 остановил пулю и спас ему жизнь

Under what circumstances everything happened is not reported. The photo clearly shows how the smartphone was hit, but the bullet, apparently, did not penetrate it.

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