Happy birthday, Moskvich 3: the manufacturer has reduced the official power characteristics of the crossover

by alex

Today Moskvich 3 celebrates its first birthday

The Moskvich automobile plant, without any warning, changed one of the main characteristics of its first-born, the Moskvich 3 crossover. The situation was brought to the attention of the Telegram channel “Autopotok”.

On the official website, the declared power of the 1.5-liter turbocharged engine has indeed changed – if previously it was 150 hp, it is now 136 hp.

The press service has already commented on this unexpected event, explaining the step taken by “the transition to a new certificate, within the framework of which power measurements were carried out in independent laboratories.”

С днём рождения, «Москвич 3»: производитель снизил официальную характеристику мощности кроссовера

Production of the Moskvich 3 crossover began exactly a year ago, on November 23, 2022. Now the Moskvich plant also produces the Moskvich 3e electric car and the Moskvich 6 sedan. The plans include the release of the mid-size crossover Moskvich 5 and the family crossover Moskvich 8.

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