Rumor: PlayStation 6 will appear before the new Xbox. Microsoft can't decide

by alex

From a recent statement by podcaster Moore's Law is Dead, it is known that the launch of Microsoft's next console may be postponed due to a delay in signing contracts with technology partner AMD.

As of a month ago, Microsoft still had not signed a deal with AMD for the next generation console. Sony, on the other hand, has signed several deals with AMD since the PS5, indicating an advanced stage of development for future PlayStation consoles.

The delay in confirming the deal has led to speculation that Microsoft is either undecided , or is negotiating a better deal. Intel, having taken note of Microsoft's interest, was rumored to be considering supplying silicon at a price equal to or less than the cost of securing the deal.

The delay in making a decision has potentially put the American giant at a disadvantage compared to Sony in terms of console development. According to the latest data, Microsoft has resumed negotiations with AMD and is now in the early stages of development. Despite the setback, the corporation still has a chance to catch up with Sony, but the launch of the next generation Xbox may come later than expected and face development time constraints.

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