Godzilla among video cards. A test of the giant Zotac RTX 4090D PGF video card with a length of more than 380 mm has been published

by alex

This is the largest video card at the moment

With the release of the GeForce RTX 30 line of video cards, the adapters themselves began to sharply increase in size, and this trend continued in the RTX 40 line. Now the card is 300 mm long — This is the norm, not some unique monster. But a new unique monster has become the Zotac RTX 4090D PGF adapter for the Chinese market, and there is already a test of it on the Internet. 

The card is 381 mm long, which is significantly larger than many of the already huge modern adapters. The thickness here is also very large — 74 mm. 

Годзилла среди видеокарт. Опубликован тест гигантской видеокарты Zotac RTX 4090D PGF длиной более 380 мм

Since this is technically a regular RTX 4090D, performance tests are not particularly important to us. But you can look at the performance of the cooling system. Everything is fine here: at peak, the GPU temperature reaches only 63 degrees, while the noise level is only 28.2 dBA, that is, the adapter is also relatively silent. 

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