GeForce RTX 3060 is a hit among gamers. The video card has strengthened its position in the Steam rankings

by alex

Nvidia cards are used by three quarters of the service's players

Steam has published hardware statistics for May of this year. The leader in the rating of video cards is the desktop GeForce RTX 3060, and over the past month it has strengthened its position: the share of this model alone has already exceeded 6%.

The entire top 10 is occupied by Nvidia cards, and almost all of them, with the exception of the mobile GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop and GeForce RTX 4060 Laptop, strengthened their positions over the month.

GeForce RTX 3060 — хит среди геймеров. Видеокарта упрочила свои позиции в рейтинге Steam

In general, the share of Nvidia video cards is 76.18%. The share of AMD video cards among service users — 15.96%, Intel accelerators are used by 7.62% of Steam gamers.

GeForce RTX 3060 — хит среди геймеров. Видеокарта упрочила свои позиции в рейтинге Steam

Typical amount of video memory — 8 GB, typical monitor resolution — Full HD. And the screenshot above shows a typical PC configuration for a Steam player.

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