Domestic payment terminals will be released in Russia

by alex

Already in 2024

The first domestic payment terminal will appear in Russia, and this should happen as early as 2024.

This was reported by Vedomosti, citing Alexander Sokolov, product director of the Element Technologies company, which is developing this device.

“We will be the first company in Russia to develop a domestic payment terminal. Next year we will present a ready-made solution. Moreover, the line will be complete: classic POS terminals, Android solutions and embedded equipment,” Sokolov said.

He added that the Element Technologies company has already found a client in one of the largest Russian banks and agreed with him on the supply of terminals.

The degree of localization of the domestic payment terminal is not specified. As Vedomosti writes, modern standards of the Ministry of Industry and Trade allow the production of POS terminals in China and equally recognize them as Russian.

Zeekr has already sold 230 thousand Zeekr 001. The company introduced an improved and more affordable Zeekr 007 to compete with Xiaomi SU7

According to the experts surveyed, the payment terminal market in Russia is estimated at 80-90 billion rubles. Every year, from 500 thousand to 1 million terminals are sold in the country, that is, after the departure of foreign companies, great prospects have opened up in the market.

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