Can Apple create a monstrous SoC M3 Extreme with more than 250 billion transistors? The company deprived the M3 Max of the UltraFusion interface

by alex

Possibly to give it to SoC M3 Ultra

Perhaps in the current generation of Apple will still release the M3 Extreme single-chip system, which will consist of two M3 Ultra. At least indirectly, this possibility is hinted at by changes in the configuration of the SoC M3 Max. 

As recent photographs under a microscope show, it seems that current copies of this platform do not have the UltraFusion interface. Let us remind you that it is needed to connect two SoCs into a single chip — this is how Apple previously created the M1 Ultra and M2 Ultra. 

The M3 Ultra doesn't exist yet. If Apple has indeed redesigned the M3 Max without UltraFusion, this means that the M3 Ultra will either not come out at all, but then Apple will not be able to release anything more powerful than the regular MacBook Pro, or such a platform will have a single die rather than consisting of two M3 Max.  

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Может ли Apple создать чудовищную SoC M3 Extreme с более чем 250 млрд транзисторов? Компания лишила M3 Max интерфейса UltraFusion

The following, of course, are just thoughts on the topic, but still, in this case, the M3 Ultra itself may already have the UltraFusion interface, which will allow Apple to connect two such platforms, creating the monstrous SoC M3 Extreme. Let us recall that according to reliable sources, in the last generation Apple was going to release the M2 Extreme, but abandoned this idea. Perhaps in the current generation she will return to the project of such a platform. Considering that the M2 Ultra already consists of 134 billion transistors, the M3 Extreme may well have more than 250 billion transistors.  

Such a powerful platform will allow Apple to make its Mac Pro and Mac Studio PCs much more powerful than the best MacBook Pros.  

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