AvtoVAZ responded to Putin’s words about a 40% increase in prices for Lada: the weighted average growth at the end of 2023 is only 11%

by alex

The head of AvtoVAZ said that 20% of the 40% voiced by the president is on the conscience of Renault

Yesterday, during the final press conference, Vladimir Putin said that prices for Lada cars, although they did not «fly into space», still increased by 40%. Today, AvtoVAZ President Maxim Sokolov commented on these words. He explained that there is indeed a 40% increase in prices, but if we take the entire period from February 2022 to the current moment. Moreover, half of the contribution to the price increase, that is, 20%, is on the conscience of Renault.

«The President always has the most accurate information. Of course, if we talk about the period from February 2022, then the figure of 40% is fully consistent. Of course, we remember that the first half of this growth — 20% — was still in the period until May 2022, when AvtoVAZ was managed by the Renault concern. For 2022, already when the state took control of the helm of our flagship of the domestic automobile industry — the growth was not that significant. Within 4%», — said Maxim Sokolov.

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The President of AvtoVAZ added that the weighted average price increase for Lada cars in 2023 is about 11%.

Also today, Maxim Sokolov said that AvtoVAZ already has a prototype of the electric Niva, and that in six years the plant will introduce 12 new car models. 

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