An analogue of Tinder with AI has been introduced in Russia

by alex

The system analyzes the user voice

Russian programmers have developed a dating site that uses artificial intelligence to select couples. This information was published by the newspaper «Izvestia», citing the authors of the Aura project.

A group of developers from St. Petersburg State University presented a new online dating site that offers unique functionality. The system identifies suitable partners based on Cattell's psychological test, which analyzes users' voice responses to registration questions.

The project leader, Egor Krasilnikov, explained that the application works on the following principle: the user registers, records voice messages and answers several questions, including a description of an interesting life incident, unusual experience, achievements and ideal relationships. Using artificial intelligence, the system analyzes voice data and personal characteristics of users to select the most compatible pairs.

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Users can also select their preferred qualities in a future partner and set a percentage for each criterion. After this, the algorithm analyzes the data and suggests suitable options. The site is now fully operational and its mobile version is also available. The developers are currently looking for investors for further development of the project.

Family psychologist Natalya Naumova noted that such an approach can be innovative, but can lead to errors due to possible shortcomings in voice analysis. She emphasized the importance of taking into account not only intonation, but also personal qualities when building relationships.

The site is ready, the mobile web version of the application is also working. The authors are looking for investors for faster development of the service.

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