After the scandal with falsification of crash tests, Toyota changed the management of Daihatsu: the entire “top” resigned

by alex

Our deepest apologies to customers and dealers

As we already wrote, the Japanese automaker Daihatsu — subcompact car subsidiary of Toyota — promised to change the management team after the crash test scandal. Let us remind you that facts of falsification of safety tests for a number of Daihatsu vehicles were discovered, some of which were produced for Toyota and other brands. The production of these cars was suspended at the end of December last year, but part of the production was resumed just the other day.

Toyota has issued an official statement expressing its «deepest apologies to customers, suppliers, dealers, plant communities and other stakeholders for the inconvenience caused by recent certification violations» . The company will conduct a series of personnel changes from March 1, 2024, will take active measures to prevent such situations in the future and «work towards the revival of Daihatsu». As for the managers, the president, chairman of the board of directors and two general directors of Daihatsu — lost their posts. for sales and corporate governance.

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The post of President of Daihatsu will be replaced by the outgoing Soichiro Okudaira, Masahiro Inoue, who previously headed Toyota's division in Latin America and the Caribbean. To reform and revitalize Daihatsu, the automaker must return to its roots — to «a company focused on the production of compact cars that is sensitive to the needs of its customers», and management must be at the forefront — this is stated in the Toyota message.

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