A new building for the production of electrical units for PD-8 and PD-14 aircraft engines will be built in Perm

by alex

The plans are to double the volume of production of such products

The United Engine Corporation (UEC) is going to begin construction this year of a new production and testing base for the production of aircraft engine parts. The complex has an area of ​​17 thousand square meters. m will be built at the enterprise «ODK-STAR» in Perm, electronic units for power plants PD-8, PD-14 and PS-90A will be manufactured there. 

From 2020 on «ODK-STAR» A major modernization of production is underway. In accordance with the approved development strategy until 2035, the enterprise will implement large-scale projects, including the construction of new buildings with modern high-tech production and testing equipment. The growth of the enterprise’s electronic components production program at the end of 2023 amounted to 76% compared to the previous year. Plans for 2024 – almost twofold increase in output in this direction.

Managing Director «ODK-STAR» Sergey Popov

The Russian Government has approved a comprehensive program for the development of the air transport industry until 2030: during this time it is planned to produce more than 3.5 thousand engines for domestic aircraft. PD-8 engines will be used on short-haul SJ-100 aircraft instead of the Russian-French SaM146, and PD-14 engines are intended for promising medium-haul airliners MS-21.

In Russia the most popular car is Lada, and in Kazakhstan it is Hyundai. In March, Hyundai and Kia pushed Chevrolet into third place in Kazakhstan

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