A 10-year-old Russian woman gave 200+ thousand rubles for free currency in Roblox, which they promised to transfer to her

by alex

Some gamers from Russia have also joined the popular Roblox. Various shadow entrepreneurs are also mastering the project.

Another Roblox fan from Russia became a victim of scammers. This time, a 10-year-old resident of St. Petersburg left her father without several hundred thousand rubles.

At night, the gamer played the popular shareware game Roblox. An unknown person contacted her and offered to receive free game currency.

The attacker explained that the girl needs to be told the number (she gave her father’s), and then the code from SMS – then they can transfer the game currency.

She never saw the money in Roblox, but her father noticed the loss of 202 thousand rubles and contacted the police.

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