The driving rating has become available to all BelkaCar users

by alex

The system has been tested since September

The BelkaCar team announced a large-scale launch of driving ratings in branded car sharing. According to the press service, the rating is now available to all users. The rating is intended to give a transparent assessment of the user’s behavior on the road and remind them of the importance of following traffic rules, caring for others and service vehicles.

The rating system was launched into open testing in September. During this time, the team analyzed feedback from users and refined the rating generation mechanisms to make the innovation useful and understandable for users, as well as to demonstrate as transparently as possible what factors influence the driving rating and how it can be corrected.

The BelkaCar driving rating is based on mechanisms for assessing driving style, status regarding fines and violations of internal service rules. The developers are planning further changes that will affect the system of penalties for users with very low ratings. 

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Together with the driving rating, the BelkaCar application also added the item “additional questions during inspection”, where you can report problems discovered before renting: debris in the cabin, the smell of cigarettes, lack of washer fluid, wheel and others.  

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