🤖Atlas is dead, long live Atlas! Boston Dynamics introduced a new generation of humanoid robot

by alex

The Technology section is published with the support of Favbet Tech

🤖Atlas умер, да здравствует Atlas! Boston Dynamics представила новое поколение робота-гуманоида

Boston Dynamics very original presented a new generation of bipedal robot Atlas – completely electric ( without any hydraulics), much faster, more flexible, more agile and even more terrible. Together with the robotic dog Spot and the robotic arm Stretch, he will tackle “the toughest problems in industry.”

On April 16, Boston Dynamics announced the end of development of the hydraulic humanoid robot, famous for its running, dancing, parkour, performing various flips and other amazing acrobatic stunts, with a short video called “Farewell Atlas.” The video itself is quite nostalgic, containing footage of various versions of the Atlas robot being tested, including the earliest prototypes, and unfortunate falls that have spawned quite a few memes. One way or another, for more than 10 years (the first show took place back in 2013 with the support of DARPA).


🤖Atlas умер, да здравствует Atlas! Boston Dynamics представила новое поколение робота-гуманоида

The circulation of Atlas robots in nature. The evolution of the famous Boston Dynamics humanoid robot

The next day, April 17, Boston Dynamics released another video announcing an all-new Atlas humanoid robot with a large round screen instead of a face. And in this video the robot looks very convincing. There are no full technical specifications and a detailed description of all the capabilities of the new Atlas yet. It is known that the new generation relies exclusively on electronics – in the new design there was no place for any hydraulics, which significantly limited the previous generation. The demo video that introduces the new Atlas clearly demonstrates the flexibility of the new model, which is both stunning and intimidating. As you can see, the new Atlas can fold (a kind of origami) and rotate the head and other parts of the body at least 180 degrees

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🤖Atlas умер, да здравствует Atlas! Boston Dynamics представила новое поколение робота-гуманоида

Still from the series Lost in Space from Netflix

In case you forgot, a few years ago Hyundai acquired Boston Dynamics for $1.1 billion, becoming the third owner of the famous robot developer, founded in 1992 by MIT graduates. The new anthropomorphic car was developed jointly by Boston Dynamics and Hyundai – in the near future, the South Korean automaker's factories will become a test site for the new Atlas, which is still in the early stages of development. According to the plan, pilot tests of Atlas at Hyundai production should begin in early 2025. Boston Dynamics is not yet ready to discuss when the Atlas will go on sale and how much the car will cost. Boston Dynamics is also not sure that the future production version of the Atlas will be called Atlas and not some other name. At the same time, engineers are determined to create a robot that can perform “boring, dirty and dangerous” tasks. Well, what remains for the Ukrainians to create their own humanoid robot, arm it with DragonFire laser weapons and send it to clear Ukrainian lands of Russian scum.

Video: Bye, old Atlas

Video: Hello, all new Atlas

The Technology section is published with the support of Favbet Tech

🤖Atlas умер, да здравствует Atlas! Boston Dynamics представила новое поколение робота-гуманоида

🤖Atlas умер, да здравствует Atlas! Boston Dynamics представила новое поколение робота-гуманоида

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