You can pre-order Xiaomi SU7 in Russia for only 65 thousand rubles. Then you will need to pay an additional 6.2 million rubles for the car

by alex

But you can refuse to buy

The fact that in Russia they began to accept orders for the first Xiaomi car — Xiaomi SU7, we already wrote, and now details have appeared: it turns out that 8 people have already pre-ordered.

A dealer from Blagoveshchensk said that a pre-order is placed after making a payment of 5 thousand yuan (65 thousand rubles), after which the contract is «put on pause». Buyers are warned that the final cost of the machine may change: after Xiaomi announces official prices for the SU7 on March 28, there will be more clarity in pricing. Those who pre-ordered will be able to confirm the purchase or cancel it. 

Оформить предзаказ на Xiaomi SU7 в России можно всего за 65 тыс. рублей. Потом за машину нужно будет доплатить 6,2 млн рублей

To calculate the price, we now took the unofficially announced cost of the car at 300 thousand yuan (3.9 million rubles). It is expected that after all payments and duties, the cost of the car in Russia will be approximately 488 thousand yuan (6.3 million rubles).

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Xiaomi SU7 will have four versions — rear-wheel drive with 299 and 374 hp, and all-wheel drive with 673 and 1074 hp. In Russia, a basic all-wheel drive version is offered.

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