Yes, there is 16 GB of memory, but modern games do not need this. Tests show GeForce RTX 4070 Ti Super marginally faster than RTX 4070 Ti

by alex

RTX 4070 Super is more profitable

GeForce RTX 4070 Super turned out to be significantly faster than the regular RTX 4070, while the price remained the same. Now reviews of the RTX 4070 Ti Super have appeared on the Internet, which, in addition to a larger number of CUDA cores (compared to the RTX 4070 Ti), also has more memory with a wider bus. 

However, tests showed that the latter did not help much. On average, the RTX 4070 Ti Super is only a few percent faster than the regular version. At 4K the difference reaches 8%, which is not particularly impressive. However, this is without ray tracing. In games with tracing in lower resolutions the difference is also minimal, but in 4K it is, on the contrary, very significant. On average for 4K this is 25–30%, which is a lot. Thanks to this jump, the RTX 4070 Ti Super outperforms the Radeon RX 7900 XTX in this mode and reaches the level of the RTX 3090 Ti.

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Да, тут 16 ГБ памяти, но это не нужно современным играм. Тесты показывают, что GeForce RTX 4070 Ti Super незначительно быстрее RTX 4070 Ti

Да, тут 16 ГБ памяти, но это не нужно современным играм. Тесты показывают, что GeForce RTX 4070 Ti Super незначительно быстрее RTX 4070 Ti

Да, тут 16 ГБ памяти, но это не нужно современным играм. Тесты показывают, что GeForce RTX 4070 Ti Super незначительно быстрее RTX 4070 Ti

However, everything is exactly like this only if you look at the general diagrams. And if we look at the data for individual games, we will see that in most of them the difference does not exceed 10%, even in 4K with ray tracing. And those same 25–30% were formed primarily due to Alan Wake 2, where the regular RTX 4070 Ti cannot produce even 5 fps due to lack of memory. Apart from Alan Wake 2, there is not a single game with any huge difference between the two adapters. That is, 12 GB of memory on a regular RTX 4070 Ti is still sufficient everywhere and in any mode, except for one game. 

Да, тут 16 ГБ памяти, но это не нужно современным играм. Тесты показывают, что GeForce RTX 4070 Ti Super незначительно быстрее RTX 4070 Ti

Да, тут 16 ГБ памяти, но это не нужно современным играм. Тесты показывают, что GeForce RTX 4070 Ti Super незначительно быстрее RTX 4070 Ti

So the RTX 4070 Ti Super is a weaker upgrade compared to the RTX 4070 Super. Moreover, in the end there is not much difference in performance between these cards, given the 33% difference in price. Because of this, the RTX 4070 Super turns out to be significantly more profitable.  

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