Video: US military attaches a missile launcher to a robotic dog. This is how you can destroy tanks

by alex

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Видео: военные США присоединили ракетную установку к робопсу. Так можно уничтожать танки

Видео: военные США присоединили ракетную установку к робопсу. Так можно уничтожать танки

US Marines installed an anti-tank missile launcher on the back of a robotic dog. Created as a research concept, one of them was tested at the US Marine Corps Air Ground Warfare Center in California.

A robotic dog with a rocket launcher on its back may seem strange, but there are very serious intentions behind such demonstrations. Robots are increasingly being integrated into militaries around the world as a force multiplier, increasing the capabilities of troops while protecting people from harm, New Atlas reports. In this particular case, technology will help the soldier in the fight against armored vehicles in general and tanks in particular.

The robot in the video is not yet ready to enter the battlefield, because it is too light, fragile and has a too weak battery. However, he completed his mission – he demonstrated the potential of the technology.

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For testing, the robotic dog was equipped with an M72 Light Anti-Tank Weapon (LAW) missile launcher, a lightweight and easy-to-use disposable launcher that has been in service since 1963. It is not powerful enough to take on a main battle tank, but can deal with light armored vehicles and other targets.

The Marine can remain behind cover, allowing the weapon system to close in on its target.

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Видео: военные США присоединили ракетную установку к робопсу. Так можно уничтожать танки

Видео: военные США присоединили ракетную установку к робопсу. Так можно уничтожать танки

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