Neural networks will help
Neural networks in the new version of Yandex Weather for business will predict the dynamics of weather indicators. According to the developers, this will help companies whose business depends on the weather to plan their activities more effectively. The information is available to businesses in their personal account in the form of an API or weather dashboard, which allows you to control data on more than 150 parameters and several locations simultaneously.
The service also gives you access to a seasonal forecast for six months, an API with weather data for the next 30 days, hourly historical weather data in Russia since 1950, and a custom industry solution from analysts and meteorologists. Yandex Weather for Business uses its own technology «Meteum», which combines classical meteorological approaches with machine learning algorithms, analyzes data from five independent meteorological models and takes into account data from radars, satellites, ground stations and user reports.
Yandex notes that this tool can be integrated into your own CRM or analytical system. Such data will help retailers track, for example, how long rainfall increases demand for delivery. Energy companies will be able to adjust the forecast for electricity demand depending on the average monthly temperature of the winter season, and agricultural companies will find it useful to know what the coming summer will be like, the creators of the service believe.