The former Volvo Trucks plant was restarted in Kaluga. Now the company produces “Ural Next”

by alex

Trucks are produced from vehicle kits that are supplied from Miass

Governor of the Kaluga region Vladislav Shapsha announced that the former Russian Volvo Trucks plant has resumed its work. Only instead of trucks of the Swedish brand, domestic Urals Next are coming off the assembly line, and the enterprise itself is now called AMO (JSC Automobile Motor Society).

There is no question of full assembly with stamping, welding and painting: the trucks are assembled from components that are brought from Miass. This is a frame with a chassis, an assembled cabin, an engine with a gearbox, cardan shafts and wheels. By the end of the year they plan to produce 50 trucks, the plan is for 2024 — already 2000 cars. And later, AMO will begin to produce Chinese trucks, including long-haul tractors.

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В Калуге перезапустили бывший завод Volvo Trucks. Теперь предприятие выпускает «Урал Next»

В Калуге перезапустили бывший завод Volvo Trucks. Теперь предприятие выпускает «Урал Next»

The abbreviation AMO is well known to those who are familiar with the history of trucks in Russia. The Likhachev Plant (widely known as ZIL) became the first automobile manufacturing enterprise in the Russian Empire and the USSR. And it was founded as a «Partnership on shares of the Moscow Automobile Society» (AMO) in 1916.

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