The stock of HiPhi cars in Russia is for six months. But will they buy them?

by alex

Human Horizons production activities in China have been suspended for six months

We have already written that the company Human Horizons, which produces avant-garde cars under the HiPhi brand in China, is having great difficulties. So big that production stopped for six months. But in Russia there is no threat of a shortage of HiPhi cars in the near future: AGR Automotive Group, which supplies HiPhi to Russia, reported that the stocks of already imported cars will be enough for six months.

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«The current volume of HiPhi brand cars, presented at the dealership centers of Premium Electro LLC «AGR», is sufficient for sales in the next 5-6 months. In the future, with a high degree of probability, car production will resume and decisions on continuing to work with this brand will be made additionally», — told in the Russian company.

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At the beginning of 2024, Chinese media reported that Human Horizons was having financial difficulties: the company delayed salaries to its employees for January 2024, also canceled bonuses and reduced salaries for top managers. In February, it became known that the production of machines would be stopped for six months and payments to all employees except those at the head office in Shanghai would be stopped.

In China itself there are now conflicting rumors about the future of Human Horizons: at first they said that Huawei could buy it, now Changan is being wooed as the buyer. In any case, the company is unlikely to survive without cash injections. Considering that Russian owners of much more common Chinese cars often face a shortage of components, one can only imagine what problems may arise for those who have already bought or are planning to buy an exotic HiPhi.

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