One of the coolest Russian cars? Live photos of the Rosatom electric car concept

by alex

Former NAMI employees worked on the car

The futuristic-looking car in the pictures below — This is a Rosatom development. According to the Telegram channel «Avtopotok», which published the photo, a team of former NAMI employees worked on the electric car.

There are no technical details about the car yet. «This is still the first mock-up, it even has the front side windows closed so as not to demonstrate the complete absence of interior», — writes «Autostream».

Один из самых крутых российских авто? Живые фото концепта электромобиля Росатома

Один из самых крутых российских авто? Живые фото концепта электромобиля Росатома

Perhaps more information about the car will appear tomorrow: it will be demonstrated at the AtomExpo exhibition, which opens in Sochi.

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