The newest 600-horsepower Jeep Wagoneer S has overtaken the Chinese in the number of screens: it has as many as four displays on the front panel

by alex

And this car will also have a McIntosh audio system with 19 speakers

Jeep has published high-quality renderings of its 600-horsepower electric SUV Wagoneer S. In fact, the official premiere of the car will take place only in the fall, but last week the first renderings of the Wagoneer S were accidentally leaked to the Network, and now the company, apparently , decided to reveal my cards — and showed not only the exterior, but also the interior.

Новейший 600-сильный Jeep Wagoneer S обогнал «китайцев» по количеству экранов: у него на передней панели целых четыре дисплея

The publication of new images of the Wagoneer S has not become any less similar to the Range Rover Velar, but now there are images of the interior, and there will be something to surprise. Jeep designers placed four displays on the front panel of the SUV! One is part of the digital dashboard, the other is part of the media system, the third — in front of the front passenger, and the fourth is supposed to be used to control the climate system.

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Новейший 600-сильный Jeep Wagoneer S обогнал «китайцев» по количеству экранов: у него на передней панели целых четыре дисплея

The Wagoneer S will be equipped with a panoramic sunroof, ambient lighting and a McIntosh sound system with 19 speakers.

Новейший 600-сильный Jeep Wagoneer S обогнал «китайцев» по количеству экранов: у него на передней панели целых четыре дисплея

Новейший 600-сильный Jeep Wagoneer S обогнал «китайцев» по количеству экранов: у него на передней панели целых четыре дисплея

Powertrain details have been revealed: two engines will produce 600 hp. On one charge, the SUV can travel up to 640 km.

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