The GeForce RTX 4090, with a limited power limit, burned not only its power connector, but also the connector on the power supply. This is the story told by the card owner

by alex

There was no fire

It’s no secret that GeForce RTX 4090 video cards still pose a danger from the point of view of the possibility of the power connector melting and catching fire. It turns out that sometimes two connectors can melt at once: both on the video card and on the power supply. 

One of the owners of the RTX 4090 spoke about this experience on the Quasar Zone forum. He did not name the models, but the photo shows that the video card was manufactured by MSI, and the power supply was manufactured by FSP. However, this is unlikely to have any significance. 

GeForce RTX 4090 с ограниченным лимитом мощности спалила не только свой разъём питания, но и разъём на блоке питания. Такую историю рассказал владелец карты

GeForce RTX 4090 с ограниченным лимитом мощности спалила не только свой разъём питания, но и разъём на блоке питания. Такую историю рассказал владелец карты

But what it does have is a clarification from the victim that he limited the power limit of his RTX 4090 at 75%, and this, as we see, did not save the card from melting the power connectors.  

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According to data from various service centers, the problem still remains very widespread, but mainly concerns adapters of the first wave, since after Nvidia replaced (in fact, more than once) the 12-pin 12VHPWR port with an improved and more safe version.  

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