“I’ve already worn out my entire chassis.” The owner of a Lada Vesta NG with a mileage of 36 thousand km complained about the fragility of the car’s suspension

by alex

Only the steering tips and silent blocks in the levers remained from the original ones.

Lada cars are famous for their “armor-piercing” suspensions, but judging by the reviews of real owners, something is wrong with the Lada Vesta NG. One of the owners of this car with the nickname “Taxi Driver in Law” posted a video on YouTube in which he complained that by the time he had driven 36 thousand km, he had replaced almost the entire suspension of the Vesta NG. Even taking into account the poor quality of the surface of Russian roads (the car is driven mainly on the highway), this is too low a mileage for such repairs.

I’ve already worn out my entire chassis ,” said Taxi Driver in Law. The owner of Vesta NG added that only the steering tips and silent blocks in the levers remained from the original ones.

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And in another video, “Taxi Driver in Law” touched on the topic of poor quality assembly of the Vesta NG. “ The entire subframe is unscrewed, the “supports” at the racks are unscrewed… the ball bearings are not screwed in ,” he said. Perhaps if everything had been properly screwed and secured at the factory, then significant repairs would not have been required. By the way, other Vesta NG owners also complained about the front shock absorber supports not being screwed on.

«Уже ходовку я всю перетрёс». Владелец Lada Vesta NG с пробегом 36 тыс. км пожаловался на недолговечность подвески автомобиля

If you bought it, it’s not too late, drive the car, stretch it out, squeeze it all out, because then it will be too late ,” summed up “Taxi Driver in Law.” In other words, in the case of Vesta NG, the long-forgotten practice of independently modifying a car after purchase is returning.

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