Google wants to move the Android search bar to the bottom of the screen again. This feature is already available

by alex

For now in the form of hidden settings

It looks like Google wants to experiment again with the search bar at the bottom of the screen on Android smartphones.

In the latest version of Google software, the search bar is at the bottom of the screen. By default this feature is disabled, but it can be activated in hidden settings.

Google снова хочет переместить поисковую строку в Android к нижней части экрана. Такая функция уже доступна

Let us remember that several years ago Google experimented in the same direction, but in the mobile version of the Chrome browser. The experiment, apparently, was considered unsuccessful, since after a while everything was returned to its place, although with the current giant screens on smartphones, the lower location may seem more convenient to many. At a minimum, this is how the search bar is located in some other mobile browsers, and some, like Firefox, even give you a choice.

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At the same time, as we see, Google is now experimenting not with Chrome, but with search built into Android. Perhaps, if this experiment is successful this time, the changes will affect the browser.

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