The authors of “The Troubles” showed a deep combat system – you can’t conquer a domestic action-RPG with clicking

by alex

The authors of “The Troubles” arranged a collab with Viktor Zuev. We decided to show how the local combat system works

The creators of the action-RPG “Smoot” continue to promote the project. Recently we arranged a collab with Viktor Zuev.

Cyberia Nova released a developer diary: the producer of the domestic game Andrey Belov answered various questions regarding the combat system.

As stated, the combat of “Trouble” is not as simple as it could be solved after watching the videos. Allegedly, simple “calling” will not work here and you need to monitor your opponents and evaluate their actions, adapting to their equipment. Enemies increase in difficulty as you progress.

The basic elements of the combat system are light and heavy attacks, blocks and dodges, parrying is also available. Since heavy attacks can penetrate a block, it makes sense to dodge them.

In general, the combat is designed for simultaneous battle with five enemies. There will be mass battles, but in them a maximum of five opponents will fight with the main characters.

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In “The Troubles” they implemented combos and the mechanics of accumulating effects: each blow gives some chance of a crit or stun, the more often the player hits, the higher the chance, so it makes sense to try to land a series of hits.

There are five archetypes in Troubles in total: four main ones + one for pre-order. Classes will open as you progress. Players will have the opportunity to improve their stats using gems and artifacts. Certain artifacts are suitable for each image. You can go through the game in one “look”, or change it as you progress.

In Troubles there is something like diplomacy and intimidation mechanics (the local analogue of “reputation”): If you upgrade your diplomacy, you will be able to avoid battles at some outposts. There will be stealth too.

The release of “Troubles” is currently scheduled for April 4, 2024. The developers plan to support and improve the game after release.


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