“Steam prices for Poland are robbery”: The Poles have launched a campaign against the high cost of games. Hades 2 and Little Kitty, Big City fell under pressure and fell in price

by alex

Not all gamers are satisfied with the pricing policy of publishers on Steam. The patience of some active people from Poland has come to an end and the struggle has begun

Recently, Hades 2 was launched in early access on Steam. However, not everyone rushed to buy the game, since Supergiant Games' pricing policy caused some dissatisfaction in a number of regions.

For example, players from Poland clashed with the fact that Hades 2 cost 139 zlotys (about 35 dollars). To understand: in the USA the game costs $30, and in Switzerland (when converted) about $37.

Local gamers expressed the opinion that the income level of a Polish resident is significantly different from those who lives in Switzerland – called on Supergiant Games to reconsider their approach to pricing.

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The post on the Steam forum attracted a lot of attention and started a lively discussion. Ultimately, this came to the attention of the developers and they took appropriate measures: the cost of Hades 2 on Polish Steam is now 117 zlotys (just under $30); they began to return the difference. In a similar way, we achieved a price reduction for Little Kitty, Big City.

These are far from “isolated cases”, but part of a large-scale campaign – Polish gamers have long been complaining about the high cost of games in Poland . Recently, the Polish community decided to act: they launched a campaign against high prices on Steam and are trying to achieve global changes in pricing for the region.


Cover author: Supergiant Games. Image source: steamcommunity.com

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