Scientists have deciphered and mapped the complex structure of the Milky Way's magnetic fields

by alex

Studying the polarization of light helps to gain insight into the mysteries of galactic magnetic fields and how they influence the formation of stars and the evolution of galaxies

Astronomers were able to exceed expectations and obtain a detailed three-dimensional map of the magnetic fields of the Milky Way. This was done using data collected by the Gaia spacecraft, which measures the positions and velocities of more than a billion stars in our galaxy.

The Milky Way's magnetic fields play a fundamental role in many astrophysical processes, including star formation, galaxy evolution, and the distribution of interstellar gas. Analysis of these fields is of great interest to astronomers and allows us to better understand these complex and mysterious processes.

The method used to create the map is based on measuring polarized light that interacts with magnetic fields. Under the influence of these fields, the wave planes of polarized light change their direction. Astronomers measured this polarization to determine the direction and intensity of magnetic fields in various regions of the Milky Way.

The result is an amazing picture: magnetic fields are distributed not only along the plane of the galaxy, but also extend beyond its boundaries, creating a complex and inhomogeneous structure. Magnetic field lines often deviate significantly from the galactic plane, forming coils and twists that indicate complex dynamic processes.

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This study also showed that magnetic fields interact with stellar nurseries — regions where active star formation occurs. Magnetic fields penetrate these regions and influence the movement of gas and dust where new stars form.

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The resulting detailed three-dimensional map of the Milky Way's magnetic fields overturns existing ideas and allows scientists to better understand the physical processes occurring in our galaxy. This also opens up new opportunities for studying the role of magnetic fields in the evolution of galaxies and the formation of new stellar objects.

In the future, astrophysicists will continue to analyze and refine the data obtained in order to reveal all the secrets and details of the magnetic fields of the Milky Way. This will allow us to better understand the processes occurring in our galaxy and their impact on the formation and evolution of cosmic objects.  

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