NASA turned on futuristic Hall thrusters at the Psyche station – now the device is moving at a speed of 133.2 thousand km/h

by alex

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NASA включила на станции Psyche футуристические двигатели Холла — сейчас аппарат движется со скоростью 133,2 тыс. км/ч

NASA включила на станции Psyche футуристические двигатели Холла — сейчас аппарат движется со скоростью 133,2 тыс. км/ч

NASA turned on electric Hall thrusters on Psyche, a spacecraft that is now floating is moving toward the metal-rich celestial body of the same name in the asteroid belt beyond Mars. The agency says Psyche is now at “full cruise” six months after its October 13, 2023 launch on a SpaceX rocket.

NASA previously used Psyche for the first time in the agency's history to test laser communications in deep space. The ship fired a communication beam towards Earth from a distance of about 16 million km. It is expected to reach its target and namesake, the asteroid Psyche, by 2029 and will orbit it for two years, observing and sending back data. Scientists suspect that Psyche is actually the embryonic core of a planet, or planetesimal.

NASA включила на станции Psyche футуристические двигатели Холла — сейчас аппарат движется со скоростью 133,2 тыс. км/ч

The ion engine is relatively new and at the same time quite old for NASA. The agency has been working on this technology since before American astronauts first walked on the moon. The first ion engine was tested in 1964.

The engine has no moving parts – it creates thrust by exciting xenon particles, which are repelled and exit the engine. There are many different types of ion thrusters, including the magnetic Hall thrusters that Psyche uses. The lack of moving parts makes them robust, they consume little fuel, so they are lighter and can be used on smaller spacecraft. Plus, they have a futuristic look when they work.

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NASA first used ion propulsion as a primary engine in 1998 on Deep Space 1, a mission to test “various advanced technologies for future interplanetary missions.” In 2007, Dawn became NASA's “first purely science” mission to use ion engines for flight until the attitude control fuel hydrazine ran out.

Ion engines are not powerful enough to launch a rocket from Earth, but they can reach very high speeds over time in space. NASA reports that Psyche is currently traveling at 37 km per second, or 133,200 km per hour, and will eventually reach nearly 200 thousand km/h.

NASA включила на станции Psyche футуристические двигатели Холла — сейчас аппарат движется со скоростью 133,2 тыс. км/ч

NASA включила на станции Psyche футуристические двигатели Холла — сейчас аппарат движется со скоростью 133,2 тыс. км/ч

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