In Odnoklassniki you can now completely close your profile from strangers

by alex

Soon it will also be possible to disable receiving gifts

The Odnoklassniki team announced the expansion of user profile settings on the social network. The update places greater emphasis on the privacy of actions on your page.

The ability to block profile content from strangers has become available to the entire social network audience, and by the end of the year, Odnoklassniki will be given the opportunity to disable receiving gifts from those who have not been added as friends. As noted in the press service, the new functions will reduce the number of unwanted acquaintances on the site and will contribute to the development of a comfortable environment for communication on the social network.

В «Одноклассниках» теперь можно полностью закрыть профиль от посторонних

Users can restrict outsiders' access to their news feed, friends list, videos and photos, information about holidays celebrated by a person, and gifts received. Each of the settings can be used separately or together in addition to pre-existing ones.

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В «Одноклассниках» теперь можно полностью закрыть профиль от посторонних

With the maximum level of privacy, only basic profile information is available to outsiders: name and avatar. The update will allow you to avoid unwanted activity on your personal page – reactions under posts and photos, and comments – and also minimize the number of those who can view content on your profile.

В «Одноклассниках» теперь можно полностью закрыть профиль от посторонних

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