If you drive more quietly, you will go further: Russian lunar stations will fly along a longer trajectory

by alex

This will avoid the accident that occurred with Luna-25

Director of the Institute of Space Research (IKI) RAS Anatoly Petrukovich said that the new Russian lunar stations will fly along a longer trajectory. This will be done so that spacecraft can be more accurately controlled and accidents like the one that happened with Luna-25 can be eliminated. New algorithms will also be developed to control the approach to the Moon and the landing process in more detail.

A detailed analysis of what happened with «Luna-25» was carried out, recommendations were developed, this is now being implemented, in particular, a safer flight path to the Moon, longer, which allows more work accurately, test all the equipment already in space, make some adjustments, aim and land in a calmer mode — without strict time restrictions.

Anatoly Petrukovich

Recall that on August 11, 2023, Russia launched a spacecraft to the Moon for the first time in almost 50 years, but on August 19, the Luna-25 station crashed on the surface of the Earth’s satellite due to improper operation of the engine. . At the end of last year, the head of Roscosmos, Yuri Borisov, reported that work on lunar missions continues: the launch of Luna-26 is scheduled for 2027, and for 2028, «Luna-27», and to increase reliability, two devices can be created at once — «Luna-27a» and «Luna-27b».

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