Google returns to the race for augmented reality glasses with new prototypes

by alex

The company hasn't revealed its launch plans, but the prototypes show Google's commitment to developing AR glasses

The Google I/O conference provided a surprise update on the status of the company's augmented reality (AR) glasses development. Two new glasses prototypes were shown off in a Project Astra demo video, hinting that Google hasn't given up on its wearable AR ambitions.

Despite the departure of AR executives and the division's downsizing in 2023, the company has unveiled new prototypes that feature a redesigned design from the previous Project Iris concept. The new version of the glasses has a curved nose bridge instead of a flat one, as was the case in the 2022 prototypes.

In the official YouTube video description, Google confirmed that the second part of the demo is running on a «prototype glasses device». Google spokesperson Jane Park also said: «The glasses shown are a functional research prototype developed by our AR team at Google. We currently have no launch plans to share».

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These new prototypes suggest that Google is continuing to invest in the development of AR glasses. Despite growing competition from companies like Meta, Google is hoping to revive its foray into the wearables market.

Google previously planned to begin public testing of its AR glasses in mid-2022. At that time, the company made significant progress in developing the technology. However, following layoffs and downsizing in the AR division, these plans appear to have been shelved.

The unveiling of new prototypes suggests that Google has not given up on its AR glasses aspirations. However, it is unclear when the company plans to release a commercially available product. As development continues, it will be interesting to see how Google improves the design, features, and overall feel of its wearable AR technology.

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