“Friendship” or “Moon”? Australia asks for help choosing a name for its first lunar rover

by alex

He will go to the Moon in 2026 as part of the Artemis mission.

The Australian Space Agency has published a list of names for its first lunar rover – users online are invited to help choose the best one.

In collaboration with NASA, the Australian-made semi-autonomous rover is planned to be launched to the Moon as part of the future Artemis mission as early as 2026. The rover will be able to collect lunar rocks and dust and then deliver samples to NASA's lunar lander.

The naming competition initially received more than 8,000 entries, which began in September. The agency has now narrowed the number down to the final four options.

  1. Coolamon – “Reflecting the essence of our Indigenous heritage and connection to the earth, the coolamon is a multi-purpose and sustainable tool used for collecting and carrying. It symbolizes the balance between utility and respect for the environment, reflecting our approach to space exploration.”
  2. Kakirra – translated as “Moon” from the dialects of one of the peoples of Australia.
  3. Mateship – can be translated as “Friendship” or “Partnership”. It is an Australian cultural idiom that represents equality, loyalty and friendship.
  4. Roo-ver is a play on words with a reference to “kangaroo” in English and “rover”.
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The public is invited to vote for their favorite title. You can vote online until December 1, 2023.

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