After meeting Starfield, hacker Empress disappeared somewhere. Gamers are left alone with games that are protected by the formidable Denuvo
Denuvo turned out to be a big problem for connoisseurs of “free copies” of games. However, there was one heroine who quite successfully and quickly broke many releases.
However, last year, the hacker Empress, who hacked the formidable Denuvo security system in games, disappeared somewhere. It is noteworthy that this disappearance occurred shortly after the release of Starfield, which she wanted to play.
Recently, the free software community has again started talking about such a phenomenon as “Denuvo hacking” “and a lot of attention is paid to DELUSIONAL. A mysterious hacker has hacked several Denuvo games in recent days: FIFA 16, Just Dance 2017 and Handball 17, i.e. its victims were quite old projects.
Commentators, when they see this, remember Empress: they are bored; and they strongly doubt that the same Empress hacker is hiding under DELUSIONAL, since we are talking (at least for now) only about hacking outdated versions of Denuvo.
Some high-profile manifestos from DELUSIONAL, for which the hacker Empress became famous, has not yet been published in the community.
- Cover (Midjourney)