BYD is proud to have collected 5,000 orders for its BYD YangWang U8 SUV in 132 days, although the Land Cruiser 250 collected the same number of orders in an hour

by alex

But these are cars of different categories

BYD today announced a big achievement: customers have placed 5,000 orders for BYD's flagship SUV YangWang U8. The company is talking about a record, and the wording sounds something like this: BYD YangWang U8 set the “record for the fastest sales of a million-level SUV in China.” By million level we mean a price of 1 089 000 yuan, which is approximately 150 thousand dollars.

Considering that the BYD YangWang U8 became one of the first Chinese cars for that kind of money (if not the first), then setting a record for the «fastest sales» it was quite easy for him. But here we need to compare it with the Toyota Land Cruiser 250, which can neither swim nor turn around on the spot, but has collected 5,000 orders in China in just an hour. At the same time, the price of the basic Land Cruiser 250 in the Middle Kingdom is not so low — from 65.3 to 80 thousand dollars. It’s not hard to imagine who will earn more from their SUV.

A truck for which a category B certificate is sufficient. The anniversary KAMAZ “Compass 5” was released

BYD гордится тем, что собрала 5000 заказов на свой внедорожник BYD YangWang U8 за 132 дня, хотя на Land Cruiser 250 собрали столько же заказов за час

Also today, BYD published some pretty interesting statistics on the BYD YangWang U8 audience. It turned out that about 55% of buyers are new — they have never driven a BYD car. More than 80% of car buyers — business owners. 90% have more than two cars in the garage, and 20% have more than 5 cars. 70% of YangWang U8 buyers — owners of other cars «for a million yuan».

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