Baldur's Gate 3 creator Sven Vincke praised the new party RPG. Skald Against the Black Priory Recognized by Larian Boss

by alex

Sven Vincke not only deals with new projects, but also monitors the releases of industry colleagues. Skald Against the Black Priory attracted attention

After the release of the full version of Baldur’s Gate 3, many gamers are looking closely at both the work of Larian Studios and the studio’s employees. Naturally, some are keeping an eye on Sven Vincke.

Larian Studios boss recently took notice of Skald Against the Black Priory and responded to a post with a trailer on social media:

“This is what I was waiting for! I have the highest respect for [the developers'] ambitions, and I like the way it looks.”

Skald Against the Black Priory is a retro-themed party role-playing game set in a dark, dark fantasy world (with some Lovecraftian horror thrown in).

Skald Against the Black Priory has several hundred reviews, more than 90% of them are positive. In one of the reviews, a user on Steam describes this project as “Baldur's Gate meets Call of Cthulhu in the style of a Commodore 64 game.”

The release of the space strategy Homeworld 3 has been postponed

The trailer is made in a retro style (the gameplay is shown after the first minute of the video):

Baldur's Gate 3 creator Sven Vincke praised the new party RPG. Skald Against the Black Priory Recognized by Larian Boss


Cover author: High North Studios AS, Raw Fury. Image source:

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