Doesn't tell the whole story and is too similar to an iPhone. Samsung CEO is against applying the AI ​​Phone brand to Galaxy S24 smartphones

by alex

Samsung has little time to come up with something new

Samsung will not raise prices for the Galaxy S24 line compared to current flagships

We recently talked about Samsung filing applications to register the AI ​​Phone and AI Smartphone trademarks. It turns out that not everyone in the company likes these options for the upcoming Galaxy S24 line.  

One of the chief executive officers of Samsung Electronics, Lu Taiwen, is against such options. He instructed company employees to come up with some alternative names for the upcoming flagships.

Не раскрывает всей сути и слишком похоже на «айфон». CEO Samsung против применения бренда AI Phone к смартфонам Galaxy S24

There are two reasons for dissatisfaction: firstly, the name AI Phone, according to Taiwen, may not fully convey the corresponding technological achievements implemented in new smartphones, and secondly, it is simply too similar to the iPhone.  

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Given that there is very little time left before the release of the Galaxy S24, it is unclear whether Samsung will have time to come up with something new and implement it in marketing materials.  

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