“Are they forcing you to buy?” How the creators of Troubles respond to those who ask to show gameplay several months before release

by alex

Pre-orders for “The Troubles” have been open for a long time, and the release is only a few months away. Many people would like to see a full-fledged gameplay recording. They offer exclusive content for pre-order, but they don’t force you to buy

On February 26, 2024, they plan to release the action-RPG “Troubles.” Pre-orders are already open, but a full demonstration of the gameplay has not yet been carried out.

The community has more and more questions: sometimes the developers of “Smoot” show small snippets of not the best quality – observers note many shortcomings, and in response they hear something in the spirit of “we will fix it.”

One of the dissatisfied users wrote in the game community:

“….I want to see the result where they promised to fix everything, show me something worth paying for, show me at least one developer who would also feed them with diaries without showing gameplay, all publishers show their product, but not the developers of the Troubles!

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To which I received a response from a representative of the “Smuta” team:

For the three hundred and thirty-fifth time we can say that gameplay, animations and combat will be shown in the near future. Are you forced to buy? You can wait for the release, the next releases and so on and so forth. Why and why are you holding a rally?

There’s just a nuance to the “wait for release”: pre-ordering the game will give you an exclusive image. As the developers themselves explained: “ With the image system, the relationship of the environment to the player will change, which will allow one to overcome the same challenges in different ways ,” i.e. Those who wait for the release (who have not pre-ordered) will actually lose part of the gameplay.

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