Apple has released OpenELM, a family of open-source artificial intelligence models designed to run on devices

by alex

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Apple выпустила OpenELM — семейство моделей искусственного интеллекта с открытым кодом, предназначенных для запуска на устройствах

Apple is going to join the company of artificial intelligence model developers with its own OpenELM family. It is a line of open source large language models (LLMs) that can run entirely on a single device instead of connecting to cloud servers.

OpenELM — This is short for Open-source Efficient Language Models. They target applications on the device. Apple says the family of models “aims to empower and strengthen the open research community, supporting future research efforts.” The models were pre-trained on public datasets of 1.8 trillion tokens from Reddit, Wikipedia, and the like.

OpenELM consists of small models designed to perform text production tasks efficiently. The corresponding code was published in the artificial intelligence code community Hugging Face. There are 8 OpenELM models in total: 4 pre-trained and 4 configured according to instructions. They cover various parameter sizes, from 270 million to 3 billion parameters.

OpenELM models can run on common user devices such as laptops and smartphones. Apple notes that the tests were conducted on an “Intel i9-13900KF workstation equipped with 64GB DDR5-4000 DRAM and an NVIDIA RTX 4090 GPU with 24GB VRAM running Ubuntu 22.04” and “an Apple MacBook Pro with embedded M2 Max and 64 GB of RAM running macOS 14.4.1″.

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Apple offers its OpenELM models under what it calls a “sample code license,” and also provides various training benchmarks, statistical data on model performance, and instructions for pre-training, evaluation, and tuning instructions and parameters.

The Sample Code License does not prohibit commercial use or modification, but only states that “if you redistribute Apple software in its entirety and without modification, you must retain this notice and the following text and cautionary statements throughout all such distributions of Apple software.”

In addition, the company notes that the models “are available without any guarantee of safety. Thus, there is a possibility that these models will produce inaccurate, harmful, biased, or undesirable results in response to user queries.”

Apple выпустила OpenELM — семейство моделей искусственного интеллекта с открытым кодом, предназначенных для запуска на устройствах

Apple выпустила OpenELM — семейство моделей искусственного интеллекта с открытым кодом, предназначенных для запуска на устройствах

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