An alternative to Red Dead Redemption in Moscow at the beginning of the 17th century? The leaked “Troubles” works better than the official demo version

by alex

The full version size is 26.4 GB

First users of the demo version «The Troubles» They complain about brakes and crashes, while the developers are already working to correct the situation. Meanwhile, the full version of «Smoot» was leaked to the Network, which occupies 26.4 GB, and works better than the demo version.

Previously, the developers of the action role-playing game «Trouble» from the Cyberia Nova studio released an interactive historical guide «Time of Troubles» based on the game. The size of the downloaded archive is 11.4 GB.

«Time of Troubles» — This is a historical game tutorial based on the game «The Troubles». You will be immersed in the atmosphere of Moscow at the beginning of the 17th century. Boyar houses and wooden pavements, the Seven-Top Tower and Chertolsky Gate, Streletskaya Sloboda and Kolymazhny Dvor await you. You will learn how houses were built, what they ate and drank, how they wrote letters, how much a thoroughbred horse cost, and much more.

Cyberia Nova

Альтернатива Red Dead Redemption в Москве начала XVII века? Утекшая «Смута» работает лучше официальной демо-версии

Features of «Time of Troubles», listed by the developers:

  • «Time of Troubles» will allow you to get acquainted in a fascinating way with the customs and life of Moscow at the beginning of the 17th century;
  • Our game does not replace history textbooks. But it will allow you to look at what is described in them with your own eyes;
  • Costumes, weapons and buildings of that era have been carefully recreated;
  • There are no mortal combats in the game. Even schoolchildren can play it;
  • During the walk you will be accompanied by a guide;
  • At the end of the game you will be tested on your knowledge of the material.
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