A new option in Android will allow you to force all applications into dark mode – currently in beta

by alex

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Новая опция в Android позволит принудительно переводить все приложения в темный режим — пока что в бета-версии

Новая опция в Android позволит принудительно переводить все приложения в темный режим — пока что в бета-версии

It turned out that the beta version of Android 14, which was released back in January, there is a hidden setting that allows you to “make all apps dark”.

This means that users have the ability to force all apps into dark mode, even those that don't support it. This new option may be useful for those users who prefer to use dark mode. It generally causes less eye strain than traditional light mode.

This new option is found in the Settings menu -> “System” -> “Developer options”. Google uses the following description for it:

“Applies to apps without a native dark theme. Some applications may experience display issues such as inverted colors.”

This is similar to the existing developer option that also applies a dark theme to all apps, but developers can opt out of it. It is also possible to invert colors in the accessibility settings, but this often leads to strange results.

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The new setting seems to be aimed at users rather than developers, and it provides better results, although still not perfect.

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This feature is not available in the latest Android 15 beta, but it will likely come in a future release. It may be announced during Google I/O 2024, scheduled for May 14.

Новая опция в Android позволит принудительно переводить все приложения в темный режим — пока что в бета-версии

Новая опция в Android позволит принудительно переводить все приложения в темный режим — пока что в бета-версии

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