22.5 cars per day. It became known how many cars Moskvich sold in January 2024

by alex

But the sales statistics for Moskvich 6 are not impressive yet

Resource «Autoflow» shared statistics on car sales «Moskvich» last January. It turned out that in 31 days the domestic auto brand sold almost 700 cars, that is, the sales rate was approximately 22.5 cars per day.

Most of it was the crossover «Moskvich 3»: electric «Moskvich 3e» has never been a bestseller, and sales of the liftback «Moskvich 6» amounted to about 70 units.

In February «Moskvich» announced considerable benefits on «Moskvich 3» and «Moskvich 6» – up to 490 thousand rubles, which can spur sales.

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