You can specify how much RAM the browser can consume. Microsoft is testing a new feature for Edge

by alex

Minimum – 1 GB

Modern browsers consume more and more RAM, and developers are trying their best to limit their appetites. Microsoft has announced that its Edge browser will soon have the ability to manually limit the amount of RAM that software can consume. 

You can see in the screenshots that the minimum indicator — 1 GB. The maximum in this case is 16 GB, because that's what the PC running Edge had. However, Microsoft warns that limiting the browser to a minimum amount of RAM may affect the browser's speed. Of course, it will have a negative impact. 

Вы сами сможете указать, сколько ОЗУ может потреблять браузер. Microsoft тестирует новую функцию для Edge

At the moment, the function is already being tested in Canary versions of Edge, but it is not yet clear when it will appear in the final version. That being said, for now it looks like this feature is primarily aimed at gamers because it's mentioned in the settings. But, apparently, no one is stopping you from using it at any time. 

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