Yandex now has urgent Saves with higher rates

by alex

Such savings products can be opened for a period from three months to two years

Yandex has expanded its line of Saves — savings products for Yandex Pay cardholders. Now, in addition to perpetual Savings, savings products with a specific period have appeared: in fact, regular deposits. The rate for such Saves is higher and it is fixed for the entire period; they can be opened for three months, six months, a year or two years. The rate depends on the term: for Save for three months it is 16.2% per annum, for six months — 16.3%, for 1 year — 14.1% and for 2 years — 13.1%.

You can top up an urgent Save within a week after opening, and withdraw money without losing interest — only after the expiration date. Interest is paid at the end of the term. You can simultaneously create up to ten urgent Saves and store from 10 thousand to 10 million rubles on each one. Yandex notes that Saves are still available to users without expiration dates. The rate on them is 15% in the first three months and 11% after this period, but interest is paid every day, and you can top up and withdraw money at any time.

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To open the first Save, you need to meet with a Yandex Pay representative and go through identification, after which new Saves can be created without this procedure. Currently, Yandex Pay representatives work in 130 cities, and the geography will continue to expand. You can replenish Saves by transfer from a Yandex Pay card or using details from any bank, and it is convenient to transfer funds to a Yandex Pay card via SBP.

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