Voyager 1 lost in deep space due to memory error

by alex

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«Вояджер-1» потерян в глубоком космосе из-за ошибки памяти

«Вояджер-1» потерян в глубоком космосе из-за ошибки памяти

NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft is lost in deep space. According to the space agency, this was due to a memory error that occurred in the on-board Flight Data System (FDS). Apparently, during a long stay in space, the volatile memory failed.

The Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft were launched in 1977. Thus, the memory, primitive by today's standards, was able to work for about 45 years. Unfortunately, this could lead to the decommissioning of the entire spacecraft. Due to a memory failure, scientific or engineering data is no longer transmitted to Earth, including telemetry, which is critical to the movement and correct positioning of the spacecraft.

The Voyager team at NASA is doing everything it can to try to save Voyager 1. But without direct access to telemetry, which cannot be obtained due to a memory error, the exact cause of the memory failure is difficult to determine from Earth.

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Even if the current memory error can be corrected, both Voyager probes are expected to slowly become unusable over time. This is due to the fact that they use nuclear batteries (radioisotope thermoelectric generators), the power of which decreases every year. Therefore, during the process of loss of power, the instruments on the spacecraft must be turned off in order to continue its operation.

Voyager 1 is now the furthest man-made object from Earth—in other words, essentially the pinnacle of our deep space exploration.

«Вояджер-1» потерян в глубоком космосе из-за ошибки памяти

«Вояджер-1» потерян в глубоком космосе из-за ошибки памяти

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