Video cards and motherboards in the US will rise in price by 25% due to Trump? The government wants to introduce taxes on product supplies from China

by alex

Minimum graphics cards and motherboards will be affected

It looks like video cards and motherboards in the US will become much more expensive in the near future, as the country's government is going to bring back Trump-era tax tariffs. 

We are talking about products supplied from China. The 25% tariffs were originally introduced during the administration of Donald Trump, when the government wanted to reduce China's influence. It was said that all hardware imports coming directly from China would be subject to a 25% tariff, including GPUs, AI accelerators and a host of other components. However, under the Biden government, the tariff policy was stopped. Its reintroduction was initially delayed from January 1, 2024 until May 31, 2024. It looks like they won't be rescheduling for the second time. 

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The United States Trade Representative (USTR) has issued a notice stating that the tax will be «retained». This includes codes «8473.30.1180 and 8473.30.5100», which also correspond to components such as video cards and motherboards. That is, they will rise in price by at least 25% if supplied from China.

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